The beauty of the art Body painting
From the beginning, man has always had the desire to make art. This is intended for the body painting was born, that the human body, the first electoral battle. The history of this boat goes so far back that historians will see as soon as the art form. Compared with other body art like tattoos or piercings, this is unsustainable. It only takes a couple of hours at most.
From the beginning, man has always had the desire to make art. This is intended for the body painting was born, that the human body, the first electoral battle. The history of this boat goes so far back that historians will see as soon as the art form. Compared with other body art like tattoos or piercings, this is unsustainable. It only takes a couple of hours at most.

During the ancient times, tribes often use this important celebrations and ceremonies. Each color has a similar meaning. Chiefs and warriors generally had their own styles is reflected in their tribal state. Around the 12th century, a new kind of body painting Mehendi has become popular. Mehendi is a very old ritual that has come from Egypt. And 'the art of using henna to paint the frame. This type of dye usually lasts a little 'longer, about 1-2 weeks before fading. Originally from South America also had its own methods of decorating their bodies. Using a wet charcoal, also known as huit. As henna, huit is also part of the permanent take a couple of weeks.

In the modern era of today, it was a way of expressing themselves. This was helped by the generosity of modern society. If, before the nudity was considered unfair by society or wrong, now it's something to be proud of. By way of self expression and practice of human freedom, has become a tool to attract public attention. This is especially effective during protests and demonstrations. Instead of putting signs and signs the protesters would rather paint itself.

body painting art can transform a human being in a beautiful work of art. It may make a statement that words alone can not express, create a more attractive and gives meaning and significance of an important event. It is used not only for the living but also to preserve the dead. In truth, he has gained importance in the world, which will last until the end of time.
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